Terms & Conditions

The web site www.pauls-studio.co.uk generally describes the facilities or services offered by Pauls-Studio UK Ltd including these Terms & Conditions. By using or ordering any of these services including studio hire you are agreeing to be legally bound by these Terms of Use. The company reserves the right to change or update it’s terms of use without prior notice. If you do not agree with any statement in these Terms of Use you should refrain from using any facility, service or product offered by Pauls-Studio UK Ltd.

Damage and Breakages

Damages caused by misuse or carelessness directly by the Hirer or Hirer’s guests clients or models whilst hiring the studio whether to equipment, flooring or the building, such as direct damage to the Flash heads or tubes, this also includes unreasonable damage to paper or vinyl backdrops not caused by normal use

Replacements or repairs will be chargeable at the full repair rate estimated on the day of the hire. General wear & tear and electronics faults will not be charged. If the studio is left in an unreasonable state of order and requires specific or unusual cleaning by Pauls-Studio UK Ltd staff then this will be charged to the hirer on the day of hire at standard studio hire rates.

Booking Confirmations

All bookings are subject to confirmation by making payment in full, provisional bookings will be accepted and held for 3 – 4 days or as otherwise stated.

We reserve the right to cancel a provisional booking if you fail to confirm the interim booking by arranging payment in full within 3-4 days of the date advised or within 4 days of being requested to make the payment in full to confirm the booking.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

Bookings for Studio events, Model bookings and Location events are not able to be cancelled and are non-refundable unless cancelled by Paul’s Studio. In this case either a full refund will be given, an alternative date arrangement or credit will be offered to the full value as booked. The cost will be limited to a full refund.

Payments taken to confirm Studio Hire bookings are refundable in the event of cancellation at the following rates:

  • Less than 7 calendar days of the date hire: No refund or credit
  • Between 7 and 10 calendar days of the date of hire: 50% Credit
  • Over 14 calendar days of the date of hire. 100% Credit (full refund) less 10%

Bookings for models are non-refundable once confirmed – alternative booking dates or credit will be offered.

If credits or refunds are offered, these are entirely at the discretion of Paul’s Studio UK Ltd and does not constitute a change in the terms and conditions stated here.

Model fees are non-refundable once confirmed alternative booking dates or credit will be offered.


Declining or cancelling bookings

Pauls Studio and Pauls Events reserves the right to decline or cancel bookings at its sole discretion and may include a single event or apply to all future events or bookings. This can be due to any of the following but does not include all possible reasons for declining or cancelling a booking or declining future bookings.

  • Failure complying with guidelines & rules
  • Failure to respect models & photographers
  • Suggestive, annoying or threatening behaviour including internet and/or text stalking
  • Concerns & complaints including relevant feedback received
  • Incompatible interests or working styles
  • Conduct or comments* likely to bring Pauls Studio or Pauls Events reputation into disrepute

* includes Facebook, Twitter, other internet media/forums as well as text and email.

Declining or cancellation of any booking does not necessarily imply any accusation of any of the above and may just be appropriate and timely measures to protect the integrity of the business.

Smoking policy

To comply with current law, the Studio operates a strictly NO SMOKING policy.

Privacy Policy

We have always protected your personal information and will continue to do so and be transparent about the information we hold about you. Using personal information allows us to develop a better understanding of your needs and allows us to provide you with relevant and timely information about the events and services we offer you.

The purpose of this policy is to give you a clear explanation about how and why we are using your personal information.

This privacy policy is available on our website see here or by emailing admin@pauls-studio.co.uk or by calling 07930-462906


The information contained in this Site is for general guidance on matters of interest only. The application and impact of laws can vary widely based on the specific facts involved. Given the changing nature of laws, rules and regulations, and any failure of electronic communication including any delays, omissions or inaccuracies in information contained in this Site. Before making any decision or taking any action, you should consult Pauls-Studio UK Ltd.

While we have made every attempt to ensure that the information contained in this Site is accurate and reliable, Pauls-Studio UK Ltd are not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of this information.

All information in this Site is provided as seen with no guarantee of completeness, accuracy, timeliness or of the results obtained from the use of this information, and without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including, but not limited to warranties of performance, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. this also applies to models information abilities levels and images.

In no event will Pauls-Studio UK Ltd, its related partnerships or partners, agents or employees thereof be liable to you or anyone else for any decision made or action taken in reliance on the information in this Site or for any consequential, special or similar damages, even if advised of the possibility of such damages .

Certain links in this Site may connect to other Web Sites maintained by third parties over whom Pauls-Studio UK Ltd has no control. Pauls-Studio UK Ltd makes no representations as to the accuracy or any other aspect of information contained in other Web Sites

Studio Hirer’s Property

Pauls Studio  takes all reasonable precautions to ensure the safety and security of the Hirers property and equipment but the studio cannot accept responsibility, and expressly excludes liability, for loss or damage to personal property (including cameras, computer equipment and software), including any financial or any other losses resulting from loss or damage to the hirer’s studio or its facilities, where such loss or damage is a result of theft, fire, flood, computer virus or any cause related to computer facilities, or any other cause, except where such loss or damage is caused by negligence. It is recommended that the Hirer should insure their personal property against the risk of loss and damage.

Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977

If any part of these Terms and Conditions is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the rest of the Terms and Conditions will continue in full force and effect.

Company Details

PAULS-STUDIO UK LTD is a registered Limited Company

Registered number: 6509416 whose registered address (not trading address) is:

RH12 4RU

Pauls-Studio UK Ltd trades as Paul’s-Studio and/or www.pauls-studio.co.uk